The NSWBI uses a web-based data collection system to collect the data that is used to generate performance measures and other benchmarking results. The data collection system consists of several web-forms, organized by service area (education, collection, facilities, financial, etc.), that can be accessed through any web browser and allow participants to enter, review, and save their data during the data collection phase of the project.
Solid Waste Management Systems Goals and Performance MeasuresDevelopment of solid waste management systems typically involves establishing goals associated with financial, social, environmental, and safety performance. Goals are prioritized depending on service provided, system history, stakeholder / political preferences, and service population. .
Performance measures are developed with the intent to provide information that will aid the member community with the achievement of the goals. Performance measures are reviewed and refined each year to continuously improve and expand the initiative.
The NSWBI's goals are:
- Be cost effective
- Waste Reduction
- Change Customer Behavior
- Offer Good Customer Service
- Have Sufficient Capacity
- Run Efficient Operations
- Increase Productivity
- Provide a Safe Work Place